Printed badges

Factors to Consider When Purchasing Printed Badges


The first thing you should think about when purchasing Printed badges for your organization is size. It’s important to get this right since a Printed Badges may be difficult to read, while a large badge may not be practical for users. 

If you’re unsure which size works best for your organization, talk to a member of your HR team or an employee who’s familiar with their work attire.

Choose the right size.

The size of your badges should be appropriate for the event and audience. You may have an annual conference that you attend annually, or perhaps you are organizing a large trade show. 

In both cases, it is important that your badge has the right size so that it can be easily read by everyone attending the event. If people have to walk away from their badge after each time they read it, then this will lead to confusion about who’s who at the event. 

Printed badges

The best way to ensure that this does not happen is by measuring how many people will attend the event before choosing a badge size for them.


Choose a badge template

To start, you’ll need to select a badge template. There are many different templates available, but some are more suitable than others for certain jobs. Consider the type of badge you need and the type of project you’re working on.

 Are you creating a badge service that will be used by multiple people? If so, look for a template where they can customize their own information by uploading photos or changing the color scheme. For example:


Consider colour options

When exploring colour options, it’s important to consider your logo, brand and employee uniforms. If you’re unsure about which colours will work best in conjunction with your design, consider the following:

  • What is the color of your logo? Will it blend well with other colors or does it clash with other shades of ink? 
  • For example, if you have a dark purple logo and want to purchase black badges for your employees (we’ll explain why this can be problematic later), then the outcome may be muted or muddy looking.
  • What are the colors associated with your brand? Some companies use bright neon hues that make their products stand out on store shelves; others prefer neutral tones that convey professionalism and trustworthiness. 
  • The same goes for apparel; if all of us wore pink shirts every day at work instead of opting for navy blue or white shirts because they look better together as a set in our office décor scheme (which also happens to include navy blue walls and white desks), we’d quickly become a laughingstock around town!



There are many things to consider when purchasing Printed Badges. From the size and shape of the badge to the color options available, there’s a lot more than meets the eye. 

While it can seem like an overwhelming task at first, with some research and planning you can be well on your way towards creating a custom-made product that will not only look great but also serve its intended purpose!

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