
Five Mistakes to Avoid When Planning Group Tours to Scandinavia


Group tours are the best way to see Scandinavia in a timely, cost-effective way. It’s easy to make mistakes when planning group tours, though, and you want to make sure you don’t miss out on the fun! Before you book your next group tour to Scandinavia, check out these five mistakes to avoid while planning group tours to Scandinavia.

Pick the wrong destinations

If you’re planning for a group tours Scandinavia, be sure to avoid picking the wrong destinations. Choosing destinations that are too far apart can make for a long and exhausting trip while picking destinations that are too close together can make it feel like you’re not seeing enough of the country. It’s important to find a balance between the two.

Forget about excursions

One of the worst mistakes you can make when planning group tours to Scandinavia is forgetting about excursions. Excursions are a great way to see the sights and get some exercise, but they can also be a pain if you’re not prepared.  Make sure you plan out all your excursions in advance so that there’s no last-minute panic or confusion. If you want to keep your plans flexible, purchase tickets ahead of time for popular attractions like the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo or Lofoten Islands National Park.

group tours Scandinavia

Overbook your itinerary

One of the worst things you can do when planning group tours is overbook your itinerary. This leaves no room for error and can often lead to tour members feeling rushed and stressed. Instead, try to build in some flexibility into your schedule. That way if there are any delays or mishaps that come up, you’ll have time to deal with them. If possible, also ensure that your stops are spread out evenly throughout the day so that everyone has enough time at each stop without getting too tired.

Set unrealistic expectations

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when planning group tours to Scandinavia is setting unrealistic expectations. This can lead to disappointment and frustration on both your part and the part of your group. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in the time you have, and be honest about any potential challenges.

Choose a tour operator with poor customer service

One of the worst mistakes you can make when planning group tours to Scandinavia is choosing a tour operator with poor customer service. This can ruin your entire trip, as you’ll be dealing with unresponsive staff members who are more interested in their own agendas than making sure you have a good time.

If you’re going on a long-distance bus or train ride and the guide has never been on that particular route before, it could take them longer to figure out how to get there than if they had done it before. You might want to opt for someone else instead of risking missing your flight or not getting where you need to go on time.

Keep the above information in mind if you are planning for group tours Scandinavia in the upcoming days or in future!

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