How to Decontaminate A House

What’s the best way to Decontaminate your house


If you’re dealing with a house that’s been affected by floodwaters or mould, you’ll want to get started on the cleanup process as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that harmful spores will grow and spread throughout your home. In this guide, we’ll cover all the steps on How to Decontaminate A House, including what materials work best for removing moisture from surfaces within your house.

How to Decontaminate A House

Wipe down all surfaces in your house with disinfectant.

You should use a disinfectant spray on all surfaces, including kitchen counters and bathroom sinks, even if they don’t appear to be dirty. Disinfectant sprays are effective at killing viruses and bacteria alike; you can find them at your local pharmacy or grocery store.

Wipe down every surface in your house with the disinfectant spray. Pay special attention to areas where people tend to gather—the kitchen countertops and table tops, the dining room table and chairs, etc.—as well as other areas that aren’t regularly cleaned (such as under beds or inside closets).

Don’t leave bath towels on the floor or around dirty laundry.

Don’t leave bath towels on the floor or around dirty laundry. Bath towels can harbour mould, fungus and bacteria that can be harmful to your health. Bath towels also get wet, which increases their risk of becoming infested with insects or gnats.
In addition to these natural pests, bath towels can also become infested with flies if they’re left unattended in a bathroom while you’re showering (or worse yet, after you’ve showered without hanging it up).

Change bedding as often as possible.

To keep your home as clean as possible, you will want to change your bedding at least once a week. If you have been sick in the past few days or are currently sick with a fever, it is best to change your bedding at least every other day. If you have any rashes that result from illness and make your skin itch or burn (such as from chicken pox), then it is recommended that you change the sheets on your bed every 2 hours. This will ensure that no harmful bacteria remain on the surface of your mattress or pillows for long periods of time and cannot incubate new infections within them.

Keep all trash bins clean and closed tightly to avoid odours and attracting insects like flies and gnats.

  • Keep all trash bins clean and closed tightly to avoid odours and attracting insects like flies and gnats.
  • Keep trash bins away from food prep areas, food storage areas, and food preparation areas.
  • Do not leave bags of trash outside for long periods of time. If you must leave them outside, keep them in a covered container that is inaccessible to animals.
  • Don’t let your pets dig in the yard or play near old animal burrows (underground tunnels where animals live).


We hope you got your answer to How to Decontaminate A House. You can also try to get rid of the mould by using a dehumidifier. Cleaning the inside is just one part of the process. You can also use an ozone generator to decontaminate mould spores that are airborne throughout your home. This will help prevent them from spreading so easily after you’ve cleaned up all visible signs of mould growth on surfaces like walls, floors and ceilings.

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