lower back pain relief
Health & Beauty

Why Does My Lower Back and Hip Hurt?

Health & Beauty

The first thing to realise is that lower back and hip pain is a very common problem but its important to get lower back pain relief before it gets worse in future. It’s also often quite easy to treat, with rest and the right home treatments.

You can also see a doctor for more in-depth treatment, especially if your pain isn’t improving or getting worse over time. The best way to find out what’s causing your lower back/hip pain is by talking about it with your doctor!

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a common cause of lower back pain. It’s often called SI joint dysfunction and is also known as arthritis of the SI joint. If you want to get lower back pain relief then consult a medical professional on the early stage or else it can become a permanent issue.

SI joint dysfunction can result from trauma or overuse, such as carrying heavy items for long periods of time or participating in sports that require frequent twisting and bending movements (such as tennis).

In many cases, it develops gradually due to repetitive motion over time—for example, sitting at a desk all day with poor posture or lifting with bad form.

Because the pelvis is connected to your spine by these joints and because they both rotate independently from one another, it makes sense that one could cause problems for another area of your body.

In fact, some studies show that people who experience acute lower back pain have an increased risk for developing pelvic instability later on—which may explain why so many people who suffer from low back pain also experience groin discomfort (it could be coming from their SI joints).

lower back pain relief

It could be sciatica

  • Sciatica is a very common source of lower back pain and hip pain, but there are other causes.
  • Sciatica is caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower spine through the buttock to the back of each leg and into your feet. When this happens, it can cause severe pain that travels down one or both legs and may be accompanied by numbness and tingling sensations in these areas as well.
  • Sciatica can be caused by many things that affect your spine, including disc herniation (the protrusion of part of a ruptured disc into an adjacent spinal segment), spinal stenosis (narrowing of spaces around the spinal cord due to calcification) or piriformis syndrome (an inflammation or irritation in your piriformis muscle).
  • In addition, sitting too long without moving can put pressure on your lumbar spine while also reducing blood flow to both sides of your body–which will compound any existing problems you already have with tight hamstrings or weak glutes!

Your leg muscles could be tight

If you have lower back pain, it could be because your leg muscles are tight. Tight muscles in the front of the hip can pull on the lower back, which causes pain.

If you’re having trouble with this issue, try some simple stretches to loosen up your legs and relieve tension. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Slowly raise one leg up towards the ceiling until you feel a stretch along the outside of that thigh (the same side as where that hip is hurting). Hold this position for 10-15 seconds then repeat with other leg as needed until they feel more comfortable. Repeat five times per side if possible!

There are many possible causes for lower back pain, including muscle tension, poor posture and injury. If you’re experiencing anything from mild discomfort to debilitating pain, it’s important that you get it checked out by a doctor and get lower back pain relief .

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