Waste Management

Why Do You Need Proper Waste Management Service During Your Construction Project?

Waste Management

Constructing a building or renovating an existing structure is complex work that involves many parties. The project manager’s most important role is to ensure that all waste generated by the construction process is disposed of in the most efficient way possible. There are a number of reasons why proper waste management Melbourne should be a priority during any project.

Construction projects are known to produce large amounts of waste

Construction projects are known to produce large amounts of waste. This is because they require many demolition, construction materials, and equipment. Construction waste can be recycled, reused or properly disposed of to ensure that it does not cause any harm to the environment or human beings.

Construction waste can be hazardous to the environment if they are not properly handled and disposed off.

The following are some ways through which you can minimise your impact on the environment:

  • Recycle – this is one way in which you can reduce your impact on the environment by recycling construction material after use;
  • Reuse – this involves reusing items such as timber, bricks and concrete blocks for other purposes at another site;
  • Disposal – This involves transporting all types of construction material from one point to another for disposal;
Why Do You Need Proper Waste Management Service During Your Construction Project?

Why Do You Need Proper Waste Management Service During Your Construction Project?

Construction waste is any unwanted material produced during demolition and construction.

Construction waste is any unwanted material produced during demolition and construction. Construction waste can be broken down into different types. These include:

  • Demolition or scrap materials (wood, metal and other materials)
  • Waste generated by builders (plastic sheeting, timber etc.)
  • Debris from construction projects, such as concrete slabs and bricks.

It is important to know the type of waste you are disposing of.

Knowing the type of waste you are disposing of is important because it will help you select a company that specialises in that specific type of waste. Knowing the type of waste will also help determine whether or not your project requires a permit.

It is important to know the type of waste you are disposing of because it can be classified as inert, non-hazardous, hazardous or special waste.

When you are planning to hire a waste management company, you need to be aware of the different types of waste so that you can select a company that specialises in your specific waste type.

The main types of construction and demolition (C&D) waste are:

  • Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D)
  • Hazardous Waste
  • Green Waste (including garden clippings)
  • General Waste (rubbish)
  • Specialized Waste Types include:
  • Chemical Waste – for example, paint tins or other chemicals used during construction work; – Biological Waste – for example, old food, animal droppings etc.; – Radioactive material from building sites, often left over from previous projects.


A lot of waste is generated during construction, but it doesn’t mean it should stay there. Proper waste management Melbourne service can help you protect the environment and avoid fines from government agencies.

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