figs Australia

What To Look When Selecting The Best Fig Variety For Humid Climates?


Fig trees are the most finicky of all fruit trees, but they’re also one of the most rewarding. Fig varieties vary widely in their skin colour, shape, and susceptibility to humidity levels. In this article, we’ll cover what you need to look for when choosing a figs Australia variety and how to best care for your precious new tree in an area with high humidity!

The skin

  • The skin should be smooth and shiny.
  • It shouldn’t be wrinkled or dry, which can indicate a lack of humidity.
  • It should not be discoloured, which could mean that the fig hasn’t ripened properly or that it was harvested too early.
  • The skin shouldn’t be cracked, split or sticky/tacky (this is often caused by moisture trapped in the fruit).

The shape

When selecting a figs Australia variety for your home garden, it is important to consider the shape of the fruit. The shape of a fig is related to the climate where it grows and also to the variety of figs. Figs are grown in many different places all over the world, from mild Mediterranean climates. In more temperate Mediterranean countries, there are early season varieties that produce very small fruits that have a long shelf life and can be eaten fresh or made into jams or preserves without any processing. In contrast to these hardy varieties grown in some places produce small early season fruit with an excellent shelf life but poor flavour quality when fully ripe due to lack of sun exposure during harvest time.

The susceptibility window

The susceptibility window is the time of year when your figs are most vulnerable to disease and insects. It’s not the same for all varieties, so it’s important to do some research before you choose your variety of figs. The vast majority of figs are susceptible during their first three years (the first two years after planting), which means that they need extra care during this critical time period. If you’re in a humid climate, chances are high that your focus will be vulnerable during May through October—roughly 80-90% of those months fall into this category! If you want to avoid purchasing a variety that needs extra attention at this time, take note: many people have reported having trouble with certain varieties because they were planted during their “bad” season.


Fig trees can be a beautiful addition to your landscape, but they are not always the best choice for a humid climate. The first step in choosing the right variety is to research the characteristics of each figs Australia type and decide what you want from your tree. After that, all you have left is patience!

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